Inspired by the simple yet intricate process of old-fashioned bagels, our bagels are just the way they should be. Crunchy on the outside; soft, dense and chewy on the inside.

Watch and learn how to make these roll-with-a-hole breads, the classic way. Stand mesmerized in wonder how your basic pantry ingredients can transform into these flavored and textured bagels with no unusual ingredients or special equipment. Schmeared with cream cheese, these bagels are sure to steal your heart.

Come and join the science of bagel-making with Shikha Sachdeva, our very own obsessive-compulsive baker. A doyen in bread making herself, with a huge student following (who swear by her and the way she makes teaching look so simple) She will teach you how to make the most perfect, soul-satisfying bagels.

Course Information

Difficulty: Beginner


Course Instructor

Shikha Author

Introduction to Bagels

Lesson 1


Lesson 2
Lesson 3

Dough making and autolyse

Lesson 4

Kneading and Proofing

Lesson 5
Lesson 6

Making the seasoning

Lesson 7

Dividing the dough and second proof

Lesson 8
Lesson 9

Shaping of Bagels

Boiling the Bagels

Application of egg wash/ butter and seasoning

From the oven

+4 enrolled

Course Information

Difficulty: Beginner
