Sourdough Discard Buns

Sourdough Discard Buns

Sourdough Discard Buns

Recipe by Kavita Shah adapted from @BakingwithGina


  • 200 g Room temperature sourdough discard (100% hydration)

  • 30 g Sugar

  • 250 g Bread flour (TWF series C 8615)

  • 100 g Cold full cream milk

  • 3 g Salt

  • 30 g Unsalted butter


  • In a stand mixer, add discard in mixing bowl, sugar, salt, fresh milk and bread flour into mixing bowl except for butter. Knead till all combined ( approx 3 – 5 mins)
  • Add butter, knead till windowpane appears, pause and stop along the way to scrap down the sides of the bowl (approx 15 – 20 mins)
  • Cover with cloth and proof for 2 – 3 hrs
  • Punch down, divide accordingly and rest for 15 mins
  • Shape and proof till it’s almost double (1.5 – 2 hrs)
  • Sprinkle some cheese over the dough
  • Bake at 175⁰ for 20 – 25 minutes

#8615 is a blend of different wheat varieties, soy flour and Bengal gram. With a protein content of 11.5-12%, this flour is ideal for leavened breads. It retains some germ and bran, thus giving an earthy flavor profile. It can be used for upto 70% hydration. It also gives amazing results for sourdough breads, buns, pasta, noodles, and dumplings



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