Spiced Pumpkin-Raisin Rolls

Course Information

Difficulty: Beginner


These spiced pumpkin-raisin rolls are a perfect addition to your holiday breakfast table. The pumpkin puree gives a light golden color to the rolls. The addition of pumpkin also makes the rolls softer and moister, apart from the earthy-sweet flavors! The spiced pumpkin-raisin rolls draw mild notes from nutmeg and ginger – these spices create a pleasant hum in the background, unlike the heavy traditional pumpkin spice. However, you can choose to up these notes as you please. The tart-sweet and sticky raisins round off the flavors from the aromatics, ginger, and the creamy pumpkin mash – perfect for a winter morning!

The rolls are enriched with butter and eggs - creating a lighter, softer and shreddable texture.

The rolls are enriched with butter and eggs – creating a lighter, softer and shreddable texture. It might already sound like sweet bread but, it is not – it is ‘sweetish’. They have the right spices, flavors, and aromas for making a mean ham salad slider if you are not gobbling it with a slather of butter, all by itself. I love to make a ham salad sandwich/ slider with these – something to do with the combination of coleslaw +ham+ raisins + spices!

I hope you will give this a try and if you do, let us know how it went. Share your pictures and how you enjoy your rolls. We would love to know.

Let’s jump on to the recipe.

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+23 enrolled

Course Information

Difficulty: Beginner
